Provincial Emergency Operation Center (PEOC)
Objectives of the PEOC
PEOC is aimed to provide a platform and bridge for timely and accurate coordination between provincial government line departments and district administrations in time of emergencies and calamities. It provides a well coordinated response mechanism in time of disaster. It has strengthened the early warning system and has improved the disaster response capacities of district governments through a centralized command and control unit. PEOC has enhanced the capacities of the DDMUs through increased mobility and facilitation.
Core functions of the PEOC
In-time Coordination and communications.
Improve emergency response.
Manage and mitigate disasters.
Analyse, disseminate and manage all the information.
Preparing operational updates, situation reports.
Facilitating the higher authority in making better estimation for relief and rehabilitation.
Equipments available at PEOC
PEOC is equipped with State-of-the-art communication technologies, used in time of emergencies and for early warning:
Telephone & Fax
Software available at PEOC
EDEN (Emergency Development Environment).
ARC GIS system to display, manipulate and analysis of spatial data/ geographical data as well as computerized mapping of disaster prone/hit areas.
SMS Software for the purpose of disseminating real-time weather forecast and other updates to officials and departments concerned.
Wireless Communication with other control rooms.