
Weather Advisory 3(last): Tropical Cyclone 02A (NANAUK) in Arabian Sea

Tropical Cyclone 02A (Nanauk) has weakened into a well-marked Low-Pressure Area (LPA) in the central Arabian Sea during the last 24 hours. This well-marked LPA has moved northeastwards with a gradually decreasing trend during the last 06 hours and is now located at Lat. 21.2°N and Long. 64.0 about 530 km southwest of Karachi. There is a high probability of its dissipation over the water of the North Arabian Sea in the next 2-3 days. Under the influence of this well-marked LPA, some isolated rain/thundershowers are expected in lower Sindh during the next 2-3 days. The fishermen of Sindh and Balochistan may resume their activities from today.

Response Activities of PDMA