Introduction Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA)
Operationalization of Balochistan Provincial Disaster Management Authority in order to promote disaster risk management approaches through coordination and collaboration to prevent and minimize damage to humans, livestock, property and environment. Mission of PDMA Balochistan is to ensure the protection of the people, property, infrastructure, and material resources in order to minimize injury, loss of life, and damage to property resulting from any kind of disaster.
The government of Balochistan will provide for continuity of management function, damage assessment, public and private and immediate attention to the re-establishment of normal operations so as to restore the normal economic functions whenever disaster strikes. The government of Balochistan will provide for the incorporation of Disaster Risk Reduction in its development programmes.
Objective of Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA)
Vision: To achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental development in Balochistan by reducing disaster risks and vulnerabilities, particularly of the poor and marginalized groups in the province; and enhance province’s ability to manage all disasters (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, landslides, sediment disasters, cyclones with storm surges, etc.) through a collaborative, coordinated and synchronized comprehensive provincial approach lining with National DRR/DRM policy.
To increase community resilience and enhance province’s capability to manage natural disasters to minimize injury, loss of lives, damages to the property and ensure protection of people, property, and infrastructures resulting from any kind of disaster; and further enhance provincial capacity to implement disaster risk reduction policies, strategies, measures and actions in collaboration with the stakeholders for mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
To prepare communities and institutions for effective disaster risk management during times of disaster to reduce losses and damage to lives and property.
To provide a basis for the establishment of policies and procedures which will ensure the efficient utilization of resources in Balochistan to minimize the loss of life and/or injury to the population, and protect and conserve resources, facilities and property.
To contribute to the strengthening of early warning and early response to hazard threats and disaster situations in Balochistan.
To strengthen policy, technical, and institutional capacities at the provincial, district and community levels, including those related to technology, training, human and material resources.
To promote regular disaster preparedness exercises, including evacuation drills, with a view to ensuring rapid and effective disaster response.
To advocate the promotion and establishment of emergency funds, where and as appropriate, to support response, recovery, and preparedness measures.
To advocate for the development of mechanisms to engage the active participation of relevant stakeholders in disaster risk reduction.